Saturday, April 28, 2012

I WILL QUOTE FROM BILL COSBY AND SAY"Come on people" I will add "God gave you common sense and a brain use it."

It is of no consequence to me if I offend anyone.  The truth should never be offensive.  If right knowledge is attained we over-stand the truth. Realize we must do our due diligence to attain truth. 

I've been fluctuating between vegetarianism, raw vegan and pescatarianism for years.  When going to family events or in my dietary choices for my son, I am always questioned as to why we don't eat certain foods. I would normally give facts regarding our dietary choices.   Their comeback is your Gran daddy ate it and lived to be  92 But what quality of life did he have. "They would say you need protein.."  Comments like " She only eats organic." It may be right for you but detrimental to me.  If I was able every time they asked me these questions I would put Dr. Llaila Africa's book African Holistic Health and Nutricide in their hands and ask them to do their own Damn research because I am tired of talking.  They would give my son meat and things I did not want him to eat after I packed him the meals I preferred for him. I do realize people do what they are trained to do and operate off of the knowledge they have but we are suppose to be moving toward an upward spiral, not being stagnated in the same place.

I have a thought provoking question to ask.  If you bless your food for it to be nourishing to your  body and still taking med for high blood pressure, diabetes, high lipids, gout and all of the degenerative diseases is it really nourishing to your body?  The foods we've been trained to eat cause disease.  We've been trained to eat Genetically modified organisms (GMO) non food.  Most everything you find in the grocery store is non- food.

People who are having issues with people not respecting their lifestyle please find other like minded people to build and share meals with. No one should ever get in the way of someones spiritual path.  If I go to events or just running errands I bring my food with me.  If there is something healthy at the event I will partake in it.   Do your research folks

Peace Love And Light Always    


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